Fluke TIX620 30Hz Thermal Imager; 640 x 480; 30 Hz
Fluke TIX620 30Hz Thermal Imager; 640 x 480; 30 HzPowerpro company Limited is the distributor, supplier and service provider of ( Test Equipment Product Sales, Test Equipment Calibration, Test Equipment Rentals and Product Training) in Nigeria. FLK-TIX620 30 HZ FLK-TIX620 30 HZ,THERMAL IMAGER, 640X480, 30 HZ
Fluke TIX620 30Hz Thermal Imager; 640 x 480; 30 Hz
Powerpro company Limited is the distributor, supplier and service provider of ( Test Equipment Product Sales, Test Equipment Calibration, Test Equipment Rentals and Product Training) in Nigeria.
FLK-TIX620 30 HZ FLK-TIX620 30 HZ,THERMAL IMAGER, 640X480, 30 HZ
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