Fluke 721EX-3650 Intrinsically Safe Dual Sensor Precision Pressure Calibrator, -14 to 36 psi/0 to 5000 psi, .025%/.035% Accuracy
Fluke 721EX-3650 Intrinsically Safe Dual Sensor Precision Pressure Calibrator, -14 to 36 psi/0 to 5000 psi, .025%/.035% AccuracyPowerpro company Limited is the distributor, supplier and service provider of ( Test Equipment Product Sales, Test Equipment Calibration, Test Equipment Rentals and Product Training) in Nigeria. The Fluke 721-3650Ex Dual Sensor Precision...
Fluke 721EX-3650 Intrinsically Safe Dual Sensor Precision Pressure Calibrator, -14 to 36 psi/0 to 5000 psi, .025%/.035% Accuracy
Powerpro company Limited is the distributor, supplier and service provider of ( Test Equipment Product Sales, Test Equipment Calibration, Test Equipment Rentals and Product Training) in Nigeria.
The Fluke 721-3650Ex Dual Sensor Precision Pressure Calibrator, 36 psig, 5000 psig is ideal for gas custody transfer measurements with range, accuracy and capability specifically tailored to address gas custody transfers. The 721-3650 has an optional RTD probe for a complete solution to testing flow computers and instruments used in gas flow measurements.
To test a custody transfer flow computer, the user must test and calibrate three key variables or devices: static pressure in the gas pipeline; the difference in pressure across a calibrated orifice; and the temperature of the gas flow (typically ambient temperature). The 721-3650 can be configured with the input sensor ranges that best match the static and differential pressure, as well as the temperature of the gas flow, in order to perform a complete test of the flow computer and its input devices.
Product Features:
- Range sensor 1: -14 psi to 36 psi/-0.97 bar to 2.48 bar
- Range sensor 2: 0 psi to 5000 psi/0.00 bar to 345 bar
- Ideal for gas flow calibration (custody transfer) applications
- Two, isolated, stainless steel pressure sensors with 0.025%/0.035% accuracy (sensor 1/sensor 2)
- Measures 4 to 20 mA signals
- Internal 24V loop power supply can power transmitter under test
- Measures up to 30V DC
- Check 24V loop power supplies
- Extend pressure measurement range with connection to external 700 series pressure modules (29 ranges)
- Large, backlit graphic display can display up to three inputs simultaneously
- Store five instrument setups for recall and use
- IECEx and Atex Ex ia IIB T3 Gb (Zone 1) compliant
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