nVent HOFFMAN UU756030W Window Enclosure 750x600x300mm , 775x612x329mm, Fiberglass

  • Description ULTRX™ Type 4X EnclosuresHoffman ULTRX type 4X enclosures provide outstanding protection against corrosion and the elements. The clean line design is molded fiberglass that makes them a stylish and esthetically pleasing enclosure. These enclosures feature hidden hinges, a padlocking capability for security, and flexible internal mounting options. Exterior surface...

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    ULTRX™ Type 4X Enclosures
    Hoffman ULTRX type 4X enclosures provide outstanding protection against corrosion and the elements. The clean line design is molded fiberglass that makes them a stylish and esthetically pleasing enclosure. These enclosures feature hidden hinges, a padlocking capability for security, and flexible internal mounting options. Exterior surface painted light gray acrylic enamel for enhanced UV protection.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN