nVent HOFFMAN MAS0605030R5 Enclosure, Wall Mount, 23.62" x 19.68" x 11.81", IP66, Gray Steel, MAS Series

  • Description INTERSAFE™ Data Interface Ports For Controlnet ProtocolHoffman INTERSAFE data interface ports for controlnet protocol are mounted on an enclosure to allow programming access to devices inside without opening the enclosure door. The interface ports come complete with frame and door assembly and aluminum back plate. All models have 120...

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    INTERSAFE™ Data Interface Ports For Controlnet Protocol
    Hoffman INTERSAFE data interface ports for controlnet protocol are mounted on an enclosure to allow programming access to devices inside without opening the enclosure door. The interface ports come complete with frame and door assembly and aluminum back plate. All models have 120 V ac receptacles and programming connectors mounted to the plate. Controlnet protocol devices have two shielded RJ45 connectors on the front panel.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN