nVent HOFFMAN LHC353020EMC EMC Encl. 350x300x200mm LtGray, 350x300x200mm, Steel

  • Description INLINE EMC Hinged Door EnclosuresHoffman INLINE EMC hinged door enclosures provide style, functionality and EMC protection. The flush design is secured by a quarter turn latch. The INLINE EMC enclosures have a removable hinged door that opens out to 180 degrees. They feature a foam gasket and have light...

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    INLINE EMC Hinged Door Enclosures
    Hoffman INLINE EMC hinged door enclosures provide style, functionality and EMC protection. The flush design is secured by a quarter turn latch. The INLINE EMC enclosures have a removable hinged door that opens out to 180 degrees. They feature a foam gasket and have light gray polyester powder paint inside and out.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN