nVent HOFFMAN GPB900425 100 x 900 x 404mm Plinth for use with Type 12, Type 4

  • Description Hoffman Fusion G7 Enclosure Plinth BaseRobustly constructed plinth gland plate machined from 16 gage steel designed for use with the Hoffman FUSION G7 enclosure range. Provides simple cable access for installlation & maintenance while retaining IP/UL/CSA integrity. Finished with a RAL 7035 textured powder paint, coupled with a foam...

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    Hoffman Fusion G7 Enclosure Plinth Base
    Robustly constructed plinth gland plate machined from 16 gage steel designed for use with the Hoffman FUSION G7 enclosure range. Provides simple cable access for installlation & maintenance while retaining IP/UL/CSA integrity. Finished with a RAL 7035 textured powder paint, coupled with a foam gasket.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN