nVent HOFFMAN F44WPFG Cable Trunking End Plate Stainless Steel End Plate

  • Description Fibergalss Range AccessoriesHoffman accessories to fit the Fiberglass series trunking. Accessories include closure plates, to seal the end of a section. Reducer bushings to reduce to a smaller size wireway. Box connectors ensure a tight seal inside an enclosure. Hanger fittings are used to support the trunking from an...

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    Fibergalss Range Accessories

    Hoffman accessories to fit the Fiberglass series trunking. Accessories include closure plates, to seal the end of a section. Reducer bushings to reduce to a smaller size wireway. Box connectors ensure a tight seal inside an enclosure. Hanger fittings are used to support the trunking from an overhead beam or securing to a wall.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN