nVent HOFFMAN F22G60 Grey Steel Cable Trunking NEMA Wireway, W64 mm x D64mm, L1.52m

  • Description SYSPEND HMI Sanitary EnclosuresHoffman SYSPEND sanitary HMI enclosures specifically designed to house process control equipment in sanitary environments. The enclosures feature clean design elements and meets type 4X and IP69K requirements for high-pressure, high-temperature wash down applications. The SYSPEND sanitary enclosures are constructed from 1.2 mm thick type 304...

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    SYSPEND HMI Sanitary Enclosures
    Hoffman SYSPEND sanitary HMI enclosures specifically designed to house process control equipment in sanitary environments. The enclosures feature clean design elements and meets type 4X and IP69K requirements for high-pressure, high-temperature wash down applications. The SYSPEND sanitary enclosures are constructed from 1.2 mm thick type 304 stainless steel with ground smooth continuously welded seams.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN