nVent HOFFMAN CT33CSS Cross 3 x 3 , 3.00x3.00, SS Type 304

  • Description Hoffman E Series Stainless Steel Pushbutton EnclosuresHoffman E series stainless steel push button enclosures are designed to hold 30.5 mm and 22.5 mm push buttons and switches. These enclosures have ground smooth continuously welded seams. The E series enclosures provide protection against dirt, dust, oil and water. Read More...

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    Hoffman E Series Stainless Steel Pushbutton Enclosures
    Hoffman E series stainless steel push button enclosures are designed to hold 30.5 mm and 22.5 mm push buttons and switches. These enclosures have ground smooth continuously welded seams. The E series enclosures provide protection against dirt, dust, oil and water.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN