nVent HOFFMAN ASE10X10X4SSNK Enclosure,Type 4X,Screw Cover,SC Series,Pull Box,Stainless Steel,5Hx12Wx12L

    • SKU: ASE10X10X4SSNK
    • Brand: nVent HOFFMAN
    • Availability: In Stock

    Description Lay-In Series Gasketed Tee FittingsHoffman Lay-In series gasketed trunking tee fittings for combing several sections together. Two types of tee fitting are available, a flush 90° tee and a sweep tee. The flush tee provides a straight 90° turn, whilst the sweep tee has a large radius turn. Read...

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    Lay-In Series Gasketed Tee Fittings
    Hoffman Lay-In series gasketed trunking tee fittings for combing several sections together. Two types of tee fitting are available, a flush 90° tee and a sweep tee. The flush tee provides a straight 90° turn, whilst the sweep tee has a large radius turn.

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    Tags: HOFFMAN