• VIBXPERT EXVIBXPERT EX The VIBXPERT EX is an advanced vibration analyzer, designed to provide data accuracy and reliability when analyzing mechanical vibration. With a wide range of measurement frequency up to 10 kHz, the analyzer allows for highly precise measurement in all conditions. For added convenience, the VIBXPERT EX has...

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    The VIBXPERT EX is an advanced vibration analyzer, designed to provide data accuracy and reliability when analyzing mechanical vibration. With a wide range of measurement frequency up to 10 kHz, the analyzer allows for highly precise measurement in all conditions. For added convenience, the VIBXPERT EX has an intuitive user interface, enabling even beginners to easily operate the device.

    The VIBXPERT EX is a high-performing and intrinsically safe data collector, vibration analyser and field balancer for condition monitoring and troubleshooting of rotating equipment in explosive environments.

    VIBXPERT EX collects field data including vibration information, bearing condition, inspection and process data. It then smoothly joins with the OMNITREND Center software platform for thorough analysis.


    • Quick data acquisition with trending spectra – Short working time paired with highest efficiency
    • Aluminium housing – Created to tolerate harsh conditions
    • Easy to use – Joystick operation (left or right-handed)
    • Quality – Highest resolution for thorough frequency analysis

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