• PULLALIGN PULLALIGN The PULLALIGN is a revolutionary device designed to activate your muscle-tendon system with pinpoint precision. It's a simple and effective way to target and strengthen your muscles, helping to improve your coordination and athletic performance. Enjoy improved balance and better form with this revolutionary tool. A well aligned...

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    The PULLALIGN is a revolutionary device designed to activate your muscle-tendon system with pinpoint precision. It's a simple and effective way to target and strengthen your muscles, helping to improve your coordination and athletic performance. Enjoy improved balance and better form with this revolutionary tool.

    A well aligned pulley system reduces pulley and belt wear and vibration of machinery, which in turn leads to improved machine performance. Good pulley alignment reduces unscheduled downtime and improves the reliability of your equipment. PULLALIGN is tailor-made for the job as it is easy to use, and requires only a single operator. Due to its versatile design, the units mount onto virtually any pulley face making it the ideal partner for most pulley alignment jobs.

    A single laser is projected onto the reflector on the opposite pulley. Horizontal angle, vertical angle and offset corrections are visually determined by the position of the laser line on both the laser and reflector. These alignment parameters are monitored simultaneously. Good alignment is achieved when the transmitted laser line and the corresponding reflected laser line harmonise with the respective reference line.


    • Efficient – One person operation
    • Simple – Shows the vertical and horizontal angles simultaneously
    • Accuracy – Enhanced by the reflective beam technology
    • Long-lasting – Assists with prolonging the life of the belt, pulley and bearings
    • Time-saving – No cross checking required

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